

I have been following my love, and passion for photography. So far, its taken me in the right direction! (Well, except for that one time when I accidentally walked into a cactus. lol )


Welcome to my collection of works, ranging from Monochrome shots, Still, portraits and lots more, i try to capture the life and feels in my photos - You can view all my images on Instagram @0.5mpx below

New Product Shoot for Bottenvikensbryggeri


Hey, my name is TJ, My camera is an extension of my curiosity. I'm endlessly fascinated by the interplay of light and form, whether it's the lines of a face, the quiet beauty of an object, or the fleeting energy of the streets. My photography, primarily in monochrome, is a constant exploration and a celebration of seeing.


Lets talk

Thank you

Cant wait to show you what i can do with my Lens